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Workflow Configuration - SSL Enforcement

asked on September 22, 2015

A Client of ours is intends to force their End Users to connect to Laserfiche Server using SSL via the thick LF Client. The configuration has being completed for the LF server to use SSL connections but as you are aware, the only way to truly enforce this is to block port 80. We have blocked port 80 on the Laserfiche Server (the port is blocked on the Laserfiche server via the Windows Firewall).

This forces the end users to connect using SSL but presents another set of issues.

The workflow business processes cease to work once port 80 is blocked. I have followed the instructions on configuring Workflow to use SSL

  • Check the option for workflow to use SSL to connect to Laserfiche Server in the Workflow Administration console and restarted the service.
  • Changed the Workflow web services to connect using http


This server which hosts Laserfiche & Workflow is not a member of any domain. The machine has a Wildcard SSL certificate. When I attempt to use the for the Workflow connection profile to connect to the Laserfiche server, it fails to connect. I am getting the following error below. What am I missing here:

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replied on September 22, 2015

The screenshots are not for connecting to a Laserfiche Server, they're from the Designer trying to connect to the Workflow Server. Is this Designer on the same machine as the Workflow Server?

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replied on September 22, 2015 Show version history

Yes, the designer is on the same machine as the Workflow Server.

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replied on September 22, 2015

Is the Workflow server service running? What if you type "localhost" for the name?

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replied on September 22, 2015

Workflow Server service is running. When I use localhost, I encounter the following:

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replied on September 22, 2015

You seem to be confusing the 2 connections. The first set of screenshots refers to the connection between the Workflow Designer and the Workflow Server. Since you are saying the WF server is not on the domain, the Designer needs to be on the same machine and you should be using "localhost" as the name. This has nothing to do with your SSL setup, or the location of your Laserfiche Server.

For the second one, make sure the certificate has been imported into the certificate store for the machine or for the Workflow Server service user (which may or may not be the same as the currently logged in user). Then connect to the server using the machine name specified in the certificate (not localhost), the same way it was specified in the LF Client. If it still doesn't work, then please open a support case. Workflow relies on standard .Net functions to verify the existence and validity of the certificate.

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