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Pattern match folder name from path

asked on September 16, 2015



I'm looking for a regular expression to extract the first folder name from a path. For example, from a path such as X:\ABC Limited\Correspondence\2015 I want only to extract "ABC Limited".


I've tried expressions along the lines of \\(.+)\\ but it matches the entire string due to the wildcard so need it to be more specific.

Can any regular expression gurus save me some time?!


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replied on September 16, 2015

Give this a go:


It should grab everything after a ":\" and stop before the next "\"




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replied on September 16, 2015

.:\\([^\\]+) should do it. [^\\] means "anything but a backslash, so it will make the regular expression stop matching when it hits the next backslash rather than going all the way to the end.

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replied on October 19, 2021

THANK YOU!!!!! You just solved a problem I have been fighting with for over 2 weeks. You're a lifesaver!!!!!

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replied on September 16, 2015

Give that a try.


This will begin grabbing everything after ":\" and stop at the next "\".




replied on September 16, 2015

Thanks both. The latter one seems to do the trick!

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