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Bates numbering range in quick fields

asked on September 9, 2015

I am working with a client and they are requesting their quick fields session to fill in their field with the range of assigned bates numbers (ie. [#####]-[#####]) instead of just the first bates number assigned to the page. Currently the token looks like [#####]. Is there a way to use regular expression or the token editor to read this and fill in the field?

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replied on September 15, 2015 Show version history

To begin  we add bates numbering tool to the Pre-Classification Processing node and configure it.

Then add an Assign Token Value tool to the First Page Identification node in the Document Class.



Then Create a FirstBatesNumber token and assign the value of %(PAGE Bates Numbering_Latest), this will store the FIRST bates number of the Document.



Add a Permanent Stamp tool to the Page Processing node and configure it to apply the bates number to the page.  Assign the stamp text value %(Page Bates Numbering_Latest) which will stamp a new number for each page.



Next, add a Token Accumulator tool to the Page Processing Node. Configure it to collect the tokens for all pages and set the value to collect for each page to %(PAGE Bates Numbering_Latest).  this will store ALL the bates numbers for the entire document in the accumulator.


Next, apply the tokens to the  field in the Document Class settings as shown. (I am not using a template, only a field to store the range of bates numbers.) You must use the Token Dialog to get advanced options for the token.

(Token Dialog View)  I have applied the token for the first bates number and added the token for the Token Accumulator.

Next, select the Token Accumulator and then check "Apply Index", leave the value at 1 but...  (VERY IMPORTANT)....  change the "from the " value to "END".   This will deliver the LAST bates number from the Accumulator.


That's it.

Save the session and begin testing.


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replied on September 9, 2015

I'm not understanding what the second number in the range is supposed to be. Bates numbers are assigned per page or doc.

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replied on September 11, 2015

The second number would be the last page in the document. For instance, the field would list the first bates number in the document (ie. 00001) and if it was a five page document, it would appear as "00001-00005" in the metadata field. 

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replied on April 26, 2021

Is there any way to get this working as a stamp for each page?
So basically it stamps each first page to say 'Page 1 of X', then 'Page 2 of X' on the next one. X being the last page.

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