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Workflow is not showing completed - End Workflow activity

asked on September 3, 2015

Hi all,

I have a workflow which is routed to specific users based on conditions. I have the following route: User A -User B - User C and it may happen that the User A has done the job assigned to him and does not route the shortcut entry to User B. So, I have used the End Workflow activity at User A's level. But, the workflow design is showing purple in colour that is the process has been canceled and the other activities are showing Completed. The flow is working fine (i.e shortcut is being deleted and email properly distributed).

Is it because of the End Workflow activity that this section is showing "Canceled"?

Thanks to advise.

Kindly find screenshot.

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replied on September 3, 2015

There's not enough in the screenshot. What is the main activity that shows as canceled?

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replied on September 3, 2015

Hi Miruna,

The "conditional sequence To CFO" is showing as Canceled. Is it the normal behaviour as I am forcing an End Workflow at user's level.

1st part:

2nd part:

Conditions are as follows:

1. 1st conditional sequence to CFO

2. Wait conditions for Route Entry to CFO

3. Conditional Decision

Thanks to help me



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replied on September 22, 2015

Yes, that's expected behavior for End Workflow inside Conditional activities.

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