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Looking for suggestions on how to get best OCR on 70+ year old documents

asked on August 21, 2015

I am working on bringing archived deeds and easements into our Laserfiche system. Some of these documents are from as far back as the 1930s and 1940s so the quality isn't stellar and they were created on a typewriter. I realize with this in mind I need to adjust my expectations. However, I was hoping to get some feedback on processes I can run in QuickFields to get the best result possible given the circumstances. 

Currently I'm running Deskew, Despeckle and Line Removal (which actually isn't really working). Do you all have any additional suggestions? 

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replied on August 21, 2015



Do you have any blank copies of these documents that you could use as a Master Form in a Form Extraction process?


Other processes that might be helpful are Color Smoothing, Color Removal, and Smooth. 

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