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CSS to format custom button to look like laserfiche's buttons?

asked on August 5, 2015



I was wondering what is the CSS code that I could use to format my custom buttons to look like the ones that Laserfiche uses?


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replied on August 5, 2015 Show version history

I was able to resolve this by assigning the custom button with the class "btn btn-primary"



I was also able to remove the blue highlight for the download button by modifying the Submit.htlms file:

changing from "btn btn-primary" to "btn btn-default" for the download button section with the html code.



Result after modification:


I hope this would help someone in the future!

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replied on August 8, 2015

One thing you need to be careful about with modifying files on the server is that your changes will get overridden when you upgrade forms to a new version, or reinstall it for any reason. So make sure you create backups. smiley

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