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create a briefcase with only folders

asked on August 3, 2015

Dear All,


I have a requirement to create a brief case with only folders (without documents).

Even after deselecting all the items in the Options->Export->Briefcase, I am getting documents (as images) while importing to another repository.

Is there any way to create a briefcase with only folders without documents inside that.



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replied on August 3, 2015 Show version history

Here is a method that you can also use to achieve with what you are looking to do.


1. Create a new Temp folder


2. Select all of the folders that you want to briefcase besides the new Temp folder, and select Copy

3. Open up the new Temp folder and Paste the copied folders as Folders only.

4. Brief case the Temp folder.


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replied on August 3, 2015

Hi Raees,


To do this you would need to refine your search to exclude documents. Perform your search and only include folders by adding this search to your list:-

Then right click your search results and select "Create Briefcase"

Also ensure in options that it's set to include folder structure:-


Hope this helps point you in the right direction! smileyyes

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replied on August 3, 2015


if you can see the 2nd repository on same network then copy the folder and go to the 2nd repository paste folder only .

 or 2nd option as per the Tommy reply.



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