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unable to create dynamic stamp

asked on August 2, 2015

please check attached screenshot. I am getting issue with RIO - Web Access 9.2.0. Even I am not able to create custom stamp from Web Access.

web access apply stamp issue.jpg
web access create stamp issue.jpg
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replied on April 25, 2016

This issue is resolved in LF 10.

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replied on August 3, 2015

This will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix (SCR 116155)

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replied on August 3, 2015

As per support, this is known issue and it only happens for Windows Server 2012.

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replied on August 3, 2015

Anyone having workaround?

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replied on August 4, 2015

when I can expect hotfix?

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replied on August 5, 2015 Show version history

I am having the issue with Windows 8.1 as well, not only to 2012.

Is it IIS specific or OS specific?

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replied on August 5, 2015

This is OS specific, it is more likely to happen on Windows 8 & Windows Server 2012 due to changes in the way they allocate memory internally.

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replied on April 25, 2016

We have a client on and Server 2012 R2 who just started trying to use custom stamps and is getting this error - was there ever a fix?

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replied on April 25, 2016

This issue is resolved in LF 10.

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