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How do i put a border around certain questions with CSS

asked on July 30, 2015

I'm wanting to but a box or even just a gray area behind to single line questions on a form to make sure I differentiate a certain question. Here is an example of what I'm hoping for:

Is there some CSS code for this?



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replied on July 30, 2015 Show version history

Hello James,


You might be able to accomplish this by putting the required fields in a collection and then removing the header and Add button using Javascript.

Below is an image containing the code and the resulting image:

where 'cf-collection-append.form-q' is the class name of the Add button and '.cf-section-header' is the class name of the header which says "Collection" by default.


Here is the code in an easier to read version.

CSS Code: 

.CollectionName {
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 5px;


JavaScript Code: 

$(document).ready(function() {


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replied on July 30, 2015

Since there is no specific target to customize the border for, I don think you can.  Perhaps use Custom HTML and do something like this?


Forms Design:



Forms Preview:

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replied on July 30, 2015

Might need to use a section header at the top of that and then one at the bottom. Remove the text from the title/label of the sections and then apply a CSS Class name to the section header above the two fields. Then you can use that to assign a border with CSS. I do not know about having the submit button in that border though. 

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replied on July 30, 2015

Thanks, guys. That might work.

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replied on July 30, 2015

Hi Winston,


That would be awesome!


I added the code you've sent but it's only removing the "Collections" title and the "Add" button.


I'm relatively new so I don't know if I'm using collections wrong or anything like that. But maybe you can tell me if the coding is right.



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replied on July 30, 2015

Modify the CSS and change CollectionName to the actual CSS class name you're using for the collection. If your collection doesn't have a CSS class name, then you can give it one first and then use that in the CSS.

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replied on July 30, 2015

Hello James, 


I apologize, I forgot to also note that the .CollectionName in the CSS was the class name that I gave to my collection. Alex's solution is correct and you can assign a class name through the advance options on the Collection element. 

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replied on July 31, 2015

That worked perfect! Thanks, guys!

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