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Workflow SSL Connection Profiles

asked on July 30, 2015


Does Workflow supports the use of https for it's Connection Profiles?

I setup repositories on two different sites. What I was hoping to do was use the "Replicate Entries" activity in Workflow to send documents from one repository to another. I had successfully had this working without SSL switched on in Workflow but now after setting up SSL on the receiving repository we receive the following error message:

See below an example of my settings:

Any ideas?

I thought it might be down to the fact I'm specifying a port number so the certificate isn't matching but I can connect to the repository using the full Laserfiche Client with the same address (SSL turned on), for some reason cannot setup a Workflow profile to connect over SSL though - is it possible?.

Thanks, Dom

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replied on July 30, 2015

Is the certificate installed on the Workflow Server (in the machine's or the service user's store)?

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replied on July 30, 2015

Hi Miruna,

Just installed the certificate on the Workflow Server into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities with the same results. 

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replied on July 31, 2015


Could I please get a response as to whether or not this is possible? If Workflow is not designed to support this feature then I will look for alternatives ! :)

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replied on September 16, 2015 Show version history

Dominic, did you get any response on this issue. I am running into the same issue?


I have a certificate already applied to the Laserfiche Server which is also the Workflow Server. Once I block port 80 on the firewall to force all Clients to connect using SSL, the business processes fail to start. Not sure what I am missing with the WOrkflow Configuration to use SSL. The Clients connect fine.

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replied on May 13, 2016 Show version history

Hi Karim,

(I know it's a very late response but I wanted to make sure this post was cleared up)

The option to use SSL for Workflow on a non-standard port was fixed in Version 10, previously when specifying HTTPS and port number, Workflow would still using the default port (80 in my case) rather than the SSL port (4043 in my case). Updating to 10 resolved this.

When using SSL for Workflow just make sure the following is checked in the Workflow Administration Console (something I missed when first setting it up!): 

Also I believe you need to make sure your Workflow Web Services in the Workflow Configuration Manager are configured for HTTPS too.

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replied on March 13, 2017

Hi All,


We have the same issue at a customer site. So workflow is functioning correctly with starting rules and seems to be working correctly on 443, however when you start a business process from the client this still tries to communicate on port 80. Is there a separate setting for BP initialisation or can you only start BP's on port 80?



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replied on March 13, 2017

Business processes use the Workflow web service URL to start. You can find that either in the Workflow Config wizard or in the WF Admin Console under Server Configuration\Workflow Web Services.

The URL is published with the business process to Laserfiche, so if you update it, you'll need to republish all business processes.

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replied on March 13, 2017

Thanks for the reply Miruna, however I need to know if you can configure the business process trigger through the thick client to use port 443 and SSL rather than the standard port 80 it's currently using? I can't seem to find a way of doing this. Looking in this whitepaper I don't see 443 listed as an option for business processes, only port 80?


Any ideas how to enable BP to run on 443? Is it simply not possible?



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replied on March 13, 2017

First you need to set up the 'Workflow" website to use SSL (in IIS), then go into the Workflow Web Services (in the WF Admin Console) and modify the URL listed there to use SSL. Then open each business process and republish it so it will pick up the updated URL. Then the Client and Web Access will use the updated URL when starting business processes.

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replied on March 14, 2017

Thanks Miruna, I will follow up with the customer.

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