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Email to be sent to users using Query Data Activity

asked on July 26, 2015 Show version history

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to query the mail address of a user from a database table based on a field from a document template. Unfortunately the email is not sent. Can anyone help me analyse the issue further. Please find attached a picture of the database where the emails are found.

DB.png (33.72 KB)
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replied on July 27, 2015

Can you post a screenshot of your email activity? What token are you using for the To: field?

Do emails work if you use an email activity with a static address field? Maybe your Workflow SMTP settings aren't correctly configured.

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replied on July 27, 2015

Emails work when I use a static address field


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replied on July 27, 2015

Query Data tokens are not available directly, you want to use a For Each Row to iterate through the results.

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replied on July 27, 2015

Hi Miruna,

Can you please tell me which activities do I have to put in the For each row entry?



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replied on July 29, 2015

Hello Ketsia, 


The For Each Row will Get Rows From the Query Data activity and any activities which use results from Query Data will need to be in the For Each Row. 

For example, the To: field of the email will now look like this


Note that these activities will be done for all rows matching the query criteria in Query Data.

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replied on July 30, 2015


Please note that the For Each Row activity is not working. I am not receiving LF mail even when using the Email from Each Row activity token in email editor.



Kind Regards,


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replied on July 30, 2015

Hello Sheila, 


In the example above, the For Each Row has its Get Rows From set to the Query Data results as shown below: 

If the For Each Row is set up to get its Rows from Query Data, then I would check the Query Data results to see if it obtained the correct data. The results can be seen once the workflow finishes:

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replied on July 30, 2015

I see that the query data is performed on StaffList and not StaffListDetails which is what we see the image of.


Now, Is the metadata field multi-value?

Are you sure you are getting an actual value in that token that the query should be returning information? 

After the query, you will have to use "For Each Row" with the query results. Unless you tell it to only return one result. If the field is multi-value, you will need to put those activities inside a "For Each Value" and use the current value token for the query data activity.

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replied on August 3, 2015

Hi all,

I have used the 'track token' activity and was able to solve the issue.

Now, I have noticed a new issue. When the workflow is run through workflow designer using admin profile, the process flow is working fine.

But, when starting the business process from LF Client and connected as user profile, the workflow is not started.

Can you please advise what is causing this issue?



Kind Regards,


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