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Regex captures using the 9.1 connector

asked on July 23, 2015

Are multiple capture groups supported with regex expressions in the 9.1 connector? I'm trying to capture a string from a web app - a name formatted as "last, first m. (1234)", so last name, first name, middle initial with a period, and then last four of SSN enclosed in parens. I need to strip the period out of the middle initial of that string, and a simple (.*)\.(.*) would do it, but it appears the connector only captures the first group. Any ideas?


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replied on July 23, 2015

Thanks Glen, with the new token dialog in 9.1 all I had to do was use the same token twice and split and recombine:

{[Client Files]:[Client Name]="ClientName ClientName"}

with two different regex expressions applied to the ClientName token to drop the "."

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replied on July 23, 2015

Try making multiple tokens (LastName, FirstName, NiddleInitial, SSN) and combining them.

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replied on July 23, 2015

Never thought about selecting the same field more than once and splitting/combining with the token editor. Worked great, thanks!


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replied on July 23, 2015

You should be able to capture the entire string, then customize the profiles XML document to extract only the needed part of the string.  There is an example given in the Connector help file in the "Editing control and token strings" section.

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