So what I am trying to do is take the value out of a table currency field and depending on a radio button or check box selection add it to a general fund or federal fund currency field on a separate table. While doing this take the value of a (not dynamically populated) drop down and put it into a text field to have a query run against it.
Any Help with the direction I am trying to go or the code is appreciated!
And my code so far:
$(document).ready(function() { $(document).on('blur change', '.estExpns input', esttotal); $(document).on('blur change', '.expns input', calcFunding); }); function parseNumber(n) { var f = parseFloat(n); //Convert to float number. return isNaN(f) ? 0 : f; //treat invalid input as 0; }; // Estimated Expenses Summation function esttotal() { var s = 0; $('.estExpns input').each(function () { s += parseNumber($(this).val()); }); $('.estTotal input').val(s); }; // Calculate funding totals and post processing options based on checkbox values function calcFunding() { var g = 0; var d = 0; var t = ''; if ( $('.fundSource input').val('Federal Grant') == true){ $('.expns tbody tr').each(function () { tn = $(this).find('.grantName input').val($(this).find('.grantName option:selected').val()); $('.ttlName input').val(t); }) // Sum all the federal expenses d += parseNumber($('.estExpns input').val()); $('.fedTotal input').val(d); } else { // Sum all the general expenses g += parseNumber($('.estExpns input').val()); $('.genTotal input').val(g); } };
Thank you in advance.