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Quick Fields Zone OCR, identification condition not there

asked on July 3, 2015

Why is it that I sometimes get the option for an Identification Condition and sometimes not?  I'm working on a new session today and cannot get the IC window in my Zone OCR.  The following is a good example in a previous Session where I have two separate Zones, one with the IC window and one without.  The only difference I can see is that the Zone OCR that allows for an Identification Condition is in the Last Page Identification section, not the Page Processing.

Following is two printscreens.  1) showing the Zone where the IC window is available; 2) Zone where it is not!  (Look at the red circle in the bottom, right hand corner to see where the difference is.)


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replied on July 3, 2015

If the Zone OCR process is in either First Page or Last Page Identification, you will have the option of providing an Identification Condition.  This allows you to split a document based on information in your Zone OCR field.

The Page Processing does not split the document, so there is no need to have an Identification Condition.

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replied on July 6, 2015

Okay, so I'm not missing something.  That option is just not available there.  Okay, thanks.

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