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Where to find the Laserfiche 5 volume converter utility

asked on July 1, 2015

I've researched and can not find where the Laserfiche 5 volume converter utility is located.  I can find references to what it can do, but not where it is.  I've looked at the splash screen in LF 8.0-8.3, 9.0 and 9.2.  There is a LF 6 or 7 to 8 or 9 utility.  But not a 5 to 9.   Thanks.


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replied on July 1, 2015 Show version history

It's part of the Laserfiche Server installation. Perform a custom setup and make sure "Server Utilities" is selected.

After you've installed the server utilities, you should see a Windows start menu shortcut for the Laserfiche 5 Volume Converter.

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replied on July 8, 2015

Thank you.  I see it now.  Hopefully it will work for the project coming up.

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