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More Graphic Custom Stamps

asked on June 24, 2015

I have been trying to set up the Laserfiche program to allow our department to begin processing and approving our permits using Laserfiche and workflow. One issue that I haven't been unable to resolve is how to stamp approved plans using a stamp with higher quality graphics (such as our city crest). When I import an image using the Laserfiche custom stamp, it recolours it, and the image becomes blurry. Is there a way to just use the original image as a stamp?


Alternatively, I've explored using the original pdf electronic file for stamping and annotating as it also allows me to measure and use high quality graphics that I've imported. However, when I do this and then try to generate pages for the new pdf stamp and annotations, they become blurry as shown is the capture2, file attached. I could try setting up adobe pdf to flatten the images after it is stamped, but it automatically prompts to save and not not into Laserfiche, which would be operationally inefficient for us.


Is there a setting change, or something that I can do to resolve these issues? Or, could anyone recommend a better way to achieve this end goal in Laserfiche?

Capture2.PNG (89.07 KB)
Doc2.pdf (239.85 KB)
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replied on June 24, 2015 Show version history

You will need to use an Image annotation instead of Stamp. As explained by Raymond, Stamp is limited to monochrome only.

When preparing graphics for use as an image annotation, it will be helpful if you use a third-party image editor capable of specifying the opacity values (also known as transparency or alpha-values) for the image. When the annotation is prepared properly, it will blend nicely with the document. Save the transparency-enabled image as PNG, and then apply the PNG as an Image Annotation on a Laserfiche document.

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replied on June 24, 2015 Show version history

You need to use a monochrome stamp.  It must also be 64kb or smaller. Ref: Create an Image Stamp and Stamps Laserfiche Users Guide.

"To create an image stamp, you will need to import an image file. You can use any BMP, PNG, GIF, JPG, or TIF image file, but note that the image will be converted to monochrome as a stamp, and so simple images with clean lines and few or no different colors work best.

Note: The maximum size for a monochrome bitmap stamp is 64 KB"

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