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side by side error - Quick Fields

asked on June 23, 2015

When running a session in Quick Fields, the first document processes fine, but stalls on the second document.

The documents are PDFs, but that is not a problem with other sessions. In this particular session, we get the error "no text found"


I checked the Event Viewer, there is a Side-by-Side error logged:

Any ideas on how to clear this error?

Side by Side error (Quick Fields).png
No text found.png
Remote Procedure Call Failed.png
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replied on June 23, 2015

The Side-by-Side error is unrelated. You'll notice the message does not reference Quick Fields.

The "no text found" error comes from your Pattern Matching process, but it's impossible to tell from the screenshot why that is. It just indicates that the document had no text when Pattern Matching tried to run on it.

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replied on June 23, 2015 Show version history

Correct, but it still populated the fields with text.


Older QF sessions work fine, even if they are processing PDFs. The customer specified that only sessions created recently are throwing this error. Any ideas why that is?

Also, we have tried running the session on documents with text already generated, and get the same error

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replied on June 23, 2015

It's not possible to tell from the screenshots. It could be your PDF processing settings. It could be specific PDFs. Since your document class configuration is not visible, it would be just guessing. And there are too many directions to go into. From the screenshot, there is no text on the document, at least not on page 1.

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