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Generate Pages, delete PDF

asked on June 10, 2015

I have a client that is dragging PDF files into the LF repository when the documents are complete in their document application (loans etc.).  


They then want them converted to images automatically.  We set them up so that generate pages was the default when adding PDFs to the repository.  The issue is that now they have the PDF file AND the pages taking up storage space.  Is there a way without using QF to convert these PDF files to images AND then delete the electronic document?  I have dug through workflow and the LF client.  I have yet to see a way to automatically remove the electronic file component or have workflow do it once the pages are generated.


I know they could just print the file to the LF Snapshot printer and have just images, but dragging and dropping is much easier and what they are currently used to.

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replied on June 10, 2015

For new PDFs being imported, just make sure the option to keep the PDF is unchecked

For documents previously imported into the repository where the PDF and the generated Laserfiche pages are both present, then you can just select the files, go the "Tasks" menu and click "Delete Electronic Files."

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replied on June 10, 2015 Show version history


DUH!  Can't believe I missed that.  

Thanks for the virtual smack upside the head.  You da man as usual!  I alwasy forget to look under tools & tasks, so used to most of that being under right click.  

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