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Hide Forms section

asked on May 29, 2015

I have a form which is to accessed by different users,its a single form and some sections to be hide for some users,i have sections in the can i achieve using java script?

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replied on May 29, 2015

Hello Noohul,


What you can do actually, is have your name Field use a default value of current user, as such

Then, you can make it read-only, so that it can not be editted. 


Afterwards, you can do Field Rules, to show or hide certain fields based on what value is there as such



Hope this helps.


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replied on May 29, 2015

How are you going to determine if it needs to be hid or not? Will it be based on a selection on the form or a specific value in a field?

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replied on May 29, 2015 Show version history

Thanks for your reply


The forms section should hide based on the users.

Here is my form,having two sections,contractor & subcontractor, ie.two different users.when Contractor login with credentials it should hide(or) disable the other section.hope you understand my scenario.


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replied on May 29, 2015

Thank you Andrew..

Its worked for me,and how could we make the fields enable/disable for the same scenario,instead of hiding the section field?



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replied on May 29, 2015

Hello Noohul,

No problem. I'm afraid i'm not quite following what you mean by "enable/disable"? When the fields are hidden, they are basically non-functional. Once they are displayed, then they will work. If that was not what you meant, then would you be able to elaborate a bit more on what you wish to achieve?



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replied on May 29, 2015

Ok..Lets take my form as an example,there are five sections,the first section is filled by the user and submit the form to the next user,when the next user login,he should able to read the information filled by the first user,but he should not edit the field ie . the field should be read only.hope you understand.

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replied on May 29, 2015

Ah, I see. Ok to do that, you would make a copy of the first Form. So say the Original Form is called "Document Processing". You will make a copy of "Document Processing" and it will by default be called "Document Processing - Copy". You will make all the values that the initiator filled out, as "read-only". That way the user can not edit was has already been filled out. But can edit the rest.


So the process is as such,

My "Start" will start with the form, "Document Processing". This form is completely edit-able. When the initiator submits this form, it will go to "User Task". Here you will have the Form link to "Document Processing - Copy". This will have the form, that has all the field values that were supposed to be filled out on the "start" process as "read-only". And then you can just customize it from there and mix/match any rules/settings you like.


Hope this helps.


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replied on May 29, 2015

Yes!!!Its worked ...Thank you for your support Andrew...

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replied on May 29, 2015

No problem Noohul, glad we could get it to work! 

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replied on May 30, 2015

I created the html button in my form,and i have a java script function,by clicking the button the form should get submitted,how can i achieve this?



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