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Workflow email name

asked on May 28, 2015

I have a client that would like to change the name that shows up as who the email is coming from.  She would like it to say "Lending Department at Company Name" or something custom rather than  I couldn't find anywhere that was possible in the email setup area of workflow.  Usually the email client, which is workflow in this case, creates that information that goes into the email header.


Am I missing something or is it just not possible?



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replied on May 29, 2015 Show version history



In the workflow designer, select the email activity, then on the bottom right click the Advanced link.


This will get you to the portion your thinking of where you can change Sender Email Address.

*edited to add picture*






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replied on May 29, 2015

You can set it up in the following format:

"Display Name" <email>

It would either go in the Sender information in the mail server setup if you want all emails to use it. Or you can do it per-activity through the Advanced Settings Carl mentioned.

One thing to note is that for internal accounts, Exchange/Outlook do some of the name resolution for you. So for example, if i set it up as "Bob the Spammer" <>, when I send to internal addresses, I'll still show up in Outlook as Miruna Babatie. But if I send outside of the domain, the display name would be "Bob the Spammer".

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replied on May 29, 2015

Like Miruna said, I would advise setting up another e-mail server in the workflow admin console (External Objects > E-mail). You can create a few mail server setups that all use the same server settings, but have different sender email addresses or default subject lines.

It will be easier to re-use that specific mail server setup if is added in the admin console instead of managing it per email activity. It also allows you to change that server setup and it will cascade to the workflows that use. (Well, I think it should.)

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replied on May 29, 2015

Thanks Carl & Miruna.  That worked like a champ!

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