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Volume creation - automatically create a new volume when size limit reached greyed out

asked on May 21, 2015

We are running out of space on one of our drives, so we added another drive on the server and added it as a volume to use.  When I created the volume the option to "automatically create a new volume when size limit reached" is greyed out.  How do I get that enabled so I can check the checkbox?  I would like to set it up the way the other volume was set up...

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replied on May 21, 2015

After the volume has been created, you cannot enable that option anymore. In Laserfiche 9.2, when you create a volume, there are two options for the volume type. Here is where you would select "Logical Volume" to set a rollover size limit.

What you can do now is create a new rollover volume and then migrate all entries from the old volume to the new volume.

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replied on May 21, 2015

thank you so much!

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