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Invalid Object name. An error was encountered importing. Retry?

asked on May 20, 2015 Show version history

I found a reoccurring error in Workflow that gave the message:

"Could not connect to the Laserfiche Server".

Upon closer inspection it was only occurring on entries within this folder name:

PO__GAS PUMP REPAIRS - RFQ NO. 105-2013__150342

After testing the actual path with the folder name, I could reproduce the "Could not connect to Laserfiche" error.

I then went to the client and pasted in the folder name into a new folder and received the following error:

I could successfully create a new document with that name, but not a folder name. I did not see any matches for this issue on the Answers site or the older support site.

There are also no apparent errors anywhere in my event log either.

Your awesome and excellent advice is sincerely sought!



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replied on May 21, 2015 Show version history

Here is the solution:

pattern matching activity:

The remove function in the Token Dialog did not work on this character, but as Robert suggested above that it was a 0x81 character, I tried that out and it worked.

The multiple match setting are important in the pattern matching.

Thank you everyone for helping through this issue. It was halting my organization's procurement process.

Thank you!! 

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replied on May 20, 2015

Can you confirm that the folder name doesn't have any leading or trailing spaces? Perhaps try renaming the folder by manually typing in the name and see if there's still an issue.

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replied on May 20, 2015

Is this Workflow 9.0?

"Could not connect to the Laserfiche Server" is the message that older versions of Laserfiche products were (incorrectly) reporting instead of "Invalid Object Name". Depending on where your value comes from, it could be because of trailing spaces or it could be from other invalid characters, like a line break.

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replied on May 20, 2015

The values are trimmed before being used in the token.

I have pasted the folder name (PO__GAS PUMP REPAIRS - RFQ NO. 105-2013__150342) into notepad and then tried to paste in the clean text into a new folder name. I get the same results with the error.

What happens when you attempt to make a folder name with the folder name above?

Even if I copy the folder name from the Answers site and attempt to create a new folder, it throws the error.

Thanks for getting back to me on this.

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replied on May 20, 2015

It looks like there is something happening after the "105". This is from MS Word with the symbols turned on.

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replied on May 20, 2015

Yeah, there's a control character between 105 and -2013. Where does the value come from?

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replied on May 20, 2015

That is the weird part. That part of the string is coming from a an ERP's SQL database that is a string value. I am using the Trim function in the Token Dialog.

I went to Crystal Reports and queued up the record. When I paste in that piece of the string, that control character is present also! That is the culprit!

Now, do you have any suggestions for a workaround using any of the functions in the Token Dialog?


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replied on May 21, 2015

I tested all the control characters listed at this site:

It is none of those. I am going to attempt to split the token on that character and then reassemble the string. 

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replied on May 21, 2015

The character is 0x81.

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replied on May 21, 2015

You could run the value through a pattern matching that ignores those characters. Something like ([a-z0-9\s\.\-_]+) set to multiple matches. You might have to tweak it depending on what other characters your data contains.

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replied on May 21, 2015


How did you determine the character? This has really helped me create a workaround. I'll post it in a bit.


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replied on May 21, 2015

I Saved the text in notepad and opened it in a hex editor:


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replied on May 21, 2015

Awesome! I will throw that technique into my bag of tricks :) Thanks again.

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replied on May 20, 2015

It is definately something with the source text. I can type it in manually.

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