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How can I have a PDF create a second page?

asked on May 13, 2015

I have a Laserfiche form with a group of fields that make up a collection.  So there could be one collection or 10 on the form.  Using Workflow I am pushing the data from the collections into multi-value fields on a template so that I can populate a PDF file.

My question is - the PDF can hold 4 collections - so I how can I get it to push a second page?  It's OK of the second page looks like the first I just need the collections to be 5-10.

This is workflow populating the form.


I am attaching the pdf file.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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replied on May 13, 2015

Dynamic PDFs are not currently supported.

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replied on May 19, 2015

Hi Miruna,

Are there any plans for Dynamic PDF support in future versions?  Thanks!


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replied on May 19, 2015

Unfortunately, there are no immediate plans as support for them outside Adobe products is limited. We're keeping an eye out, but we haven't found any good ways to work with them yet.

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replied on May 13, 2015

So even if I made the PDF a two page document workflow wouldn't populate the second page?


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replied on May 13, 2015

If the PDF has 2 pages, then WF can populate those fields. But it can't use fields that are set to automatically add more rows as needed.

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replied on May 13, 2015

Got it - maybe I'll give that a try.  Thanks Miruna!

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