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For a Record Series using a "Superseded By" retention schedule, does the document need to be cutoff?

asked on May 4, 2015


If I have a retention schedule of "Superseded by" and a retain for: 0 years-0 months, does the document that I've put in the records folder:


a) require that it be cut-off? (i.e should the Record Series include cutoff Instructions?)

b)  become eligible for immediate disposition?

c) should it have both cutoff instructions and retention? (i.e. If it is cutoff by changing the relationship, it would probably need to be stored until it was superseded again, right?)


I appreciate any clarifications you can provide.


Thank you,




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replied on May 5, 2015 Show version history

Hi Kyle,

The Superseded cutoff type is pretty specific. It's discussed at but in general it means 'automatically cut off records under this record folder when they are linked as superseded by another record, using the pre-made superseded/superseded by document relationship type'. 

You don't need to, and in fact cannot, perform manual cutoff on these, it will be based solely by whether they are linked as superseded. Once that has occurred, the specific records can be thought of as if they were cutoff in any other way - if they have a retention period of 0, they will be immediately eligible for disposition. Note that you can perform disposition on the parent record folder in this case - and in fact the eligibility searches will bring up the record folder in addition to the individual records to enable this - but only the eligible records will actually undergo disposition. 

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