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Is-it possible to change the sort order for the creation date of document in Weblink search form and how do you do it?

asked on April 29, 2015

I would like to display the search result from a Weblink search form by Document Creation Date but Newest to Oldest instead of the default Newest to Oldest.

Is-it possible?

How do you do it?

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replied on April 30, 2015 Show version history

Hi Simon, 

If you are just looking for a way to change the sort order of your search results, the easiest way would be to enable the search results grid view and then change sort order just like you would in the Client or Web Access. You can see how to do that in this post here:

With the search results grid view, you can click on the column headings to sort by that column and click the heading again to reverse the sort order. A screen shot of this is below with the Date Created sorted from oldest to newest. 


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