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web access - see through redaction's access rights not working properly

asked on April 27, 2015

Viewing redacted PDF files in the Laserfiche Client maintains the redaction - viewing the same redacted PDF files in Web Access does not maintain the document's redacted state:


Laserfiche Client (same PDF doc, same user):

Web Access (same PDF doc, same user):

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replied on April 27, 2015

One of your screenshots is in color and the other is in black and white, which suggests you're not comparing apples to apples.  For instance, is one screenshot of the document's pages in the Laserfiche client and the other of the original PDF opened with Acrobat?

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replied on April 27, 2015

Please open a support case. Something else must be going on here, since this shouldn't be possible in general (it's not up to WA whether to show them or not, the Lf Server wouldn't even provide the images in the first place). 

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replied on April 27, 2015 Show version history

Brian's correct, I was opening the generated pages (TIFF) in the Client and opening the PDF in Web Access....I thought the settings in the Client were maintained in Web Access?  Also is there any way to have the changes you make to the generated TIFF saved with the associated PDF as well?

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