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finding duplicate documents

asked on April 27, 2015

So, I've used a suggested WF to find duplicate entries.  I'm not that familiar with tokens, but I did get it to find and report on a duplicate in a group of test folders.  Problem is, there were two sets of duplicates in my test folders and it only reported on one.  Can you help me figure out why? 

Following printscreen shows what I have built so far and what is configured in each token:


The following is the group of documents in my targeted search criteria.  It should have picked up on the two named "test march 9 expiry" and the two "New Document", but it only found the two named "New Document":

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replied on April 29, 2015

Hello Connie, 

From what I can see, things look to be set up correctly. Have you tried looking at the Workflow details to see how all of your conditions are being evaluated? 

This view will show you exactly what values are being compared. 

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replied on April 29, 2015

Kathryn, no I hadn't checked that.  I have now and I see that there are 14 lines, all with green check marks.  So, it did look at all 14 documents in the targeted test folders.  Here is what is programmed in the conditional sequence, which resides within the For Each Entry activity:

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replied on April 29, 2015

Try putting a token tracker in the workflow to see what the Duplicates token has in it. What is likely happening is that the workflow is running correctly, but in your email it is only sending the first line of the multi-valued token. 

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