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How to Use Inclusive Gateway and Wait for All Valid Incoming Paths?

asked on April 6, 2015

I have a process that at a certain point uses an inclusive gateway depending on if one branches conditions are satisfied. At the end of the workflow I need to wait for all paths that were taking before ending the workflow. The problem is that if I use a parallel gateway it to merge the paths it waits for all incoming paths regardless if any of them are active. Below is a screenshot:

The above picture is where the inclusive gateway is. So if an ACA is needed it will go up that path. Either way it will always go to the right.

The above picture is what is at the end of the process. From the left is the process that is mentioned above that will always happen. The path coming at the top of the "ACA Employee Type Merge" gateway is coming from the ACA decision in the process above. In the above picture, since the ACA path may not always be coming in, this process would never complete because it will always wait for that path. How do I get around this?

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replied on April 6, 2015

What about adding a sequence flow for ACA not needed?


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replied on April 8, 2015

That is a great workaround. Thank you!

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replied on January 15, 2016

Hi there,

Inclusive Gateway Merge now waits for all active branches and then proceed in Laserfiche Forms 10.

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