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Generate Web Access URL Activity - URL Spaces

asked on March 19, 2015


I am using the Generate Web Access URL Activity and the option for the "Use Laserfiche search syntax" as shown below. 

I'm finding that if I place this token inside of an email activity, while the URL is technically correct if you were to select it all and copy/paste, the link itself is actually broken in the email due to the spaces in the search syntax (also shown below). 

Is this the expected behavior, or is this a bug? I would think the activity would be designed to resolve the spaces with the %20. 


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replied on March 19, 2015

Another option is to go into the e-mail editor and when you select the token to use in the e-mail body, go into the token editor and apply the function to encode URI.


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replied on March 19, 2015 Show version history

Workflow does not do any encoding and most browsers don't actually need it. Mail clients just use the space to guess where the URL might end.

Edit: On second thought, the double quotes will break the link in the email. The hyperlink works if you copy it from the email and paste it into the browser address bar, but just clicking it in the email will not work. Go with Alex's solution below instead.


You could just wrap the URL in custom text to make it easier for the mail client to interpret it.

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replied on February 5, 2021

what if you have more than one link you need to insert? How do we handle that?

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