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Automating the ‘Sign Document’ feature from Workflow

asked on March 18, 2015

Hi all

I need to find out on how I can automate the signing of documents via work flow “Sign Document”

I have set up a test workflow and that is working.

I need to know the following:

  1. Is there a way for workflow to know which Certificate to use based on the user that will start the Business Process?
  2. And then using the stamp function to add a copy of the employee signature?
WF1.jpg (55.58 KB)
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replied on March 18, 2015

You would need the certificates for each user on the Workflow server. You would also need all signature images available as stamps for the user specified in the connection profile.

There is no way to specify the certificates through a token, so you would need a routing decision with branches for each user.

Lastly, you'd want to set up security on who can view, modify and start this workflow since it would have access to people's signatures.

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replied on March 18, 2015

Thank you for the info

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replied on March 22, 2015

Hello Uzair

I have saved the certificate and the signature jpeg on the same server as the WF server. Please bear in mind that it is one pc (using my var) 

I did get the certificate from our AD

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replied on March 23, 2015

Thanks August.

So that means that using makecert command is not the right approach then. 

Can you please confirm if you have the Certification Authority at your Domain Controller server itself? I believe you must be using CA to generate certificate.

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replied on March 25, 2015

I have got it working smiley

1. Create and install Certificate using this:

2. Export Certificate and copy to WF server
3. Import into WF Admin Console
4. Configure in Workflow
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replied on March 20, 2015

Hi August,

Can you please share here that how did you create Digital Signature to use with Workflow?

I have tried creating certificate using CA and also using this command: makecert -sky [Issuer] -r -n "CN=[NameOfIssuee]" [CertificateName].cer -ss my   BUT i can't see these certificates under the dropdown for Signature.



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replied on March 20, 2015

Did you import the certificate on the Workflow Server machine? Which certificate store did you put it in?

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replied on March 20, 2015 Show version history


I have three Certificates and all three are under "Personal >>Certificates". I created them using this cmd method: makecert -sky [Issuer] -r -n "CN=[NameOfIssuee]" [CertificateName].cer -ss my


I actually had the options selected 'Automatically select the certificate store beased on the type of certificate'

Certificates.png (89.01 KB)
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replied on March 20, 2015

Is the Workflow service running as the same user you're logged in as?

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replied on March 20, 2015 Show version history

Changed the services for Laserfiche Workflow Server and Laserfiche Workflow Subscriber to run using the service account I am logged in with. Restarted both services twice, opened designer and still can't see it sad

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replied on March 20, 2015

I am going to try at another server and will see how it goes.

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replied on March 20, 2015 Show version history

I have installed on a separate server (server 2008 R2) and facing similar issue. Both LF Services running using the service account I am logged in with and this service account is a domain administrator.

I can assign this Certificate successfully to a document using LF client but can't see that in Workflow. Do you think it's something to do with the Certificate?


Note: I have created a new certificate at this server after installing Windows SDK for 8.1 and then using this command: makecert -sky [Issuer] -r -n "CN=[NameOfIssuee]" [CertificateName].cer -ss my

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replied on March 21, 2015

Any suggestions Miruna?

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