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Laserfiche Forms error to save attachment on repository

asked on March 9, 2015

Hey guys,

I'm trying to save forms in the Laserfiche repository but the fallowing error appear Windows Event Viewer:

09/03/2015 18:25:16 Message: Loading pages (1/6) [> ] 0% [===> ] 5% [======> ] 10% [=======> ] 12% [==========> ] 17% [===========> ] 19% [============> ] 21% [=============> ] 23% [==============> ] 24% [===============> ] 26% [================> ] 27% Warning: Failed to load (ignore) [=================> ] 29% [========================> ] 40% [=================================> ] 55% [===================================> ] 59% [====================================> ] 61% [=====================================> ] 62% [=======================================> ] 66% [========================================> ] 67% [=========================================> ] 69% [==========================================> ] 71% [=================================================> ] 82% [=================================================> ] 83% QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (0) [==================================================> ] 84% [====================================================> ] 87% [====================================================> ] 87% [============================================================] 100% Counting pages (2/6) [==============================> ] Object 1 of 2 [============================================================] Object 2 of 2 Resolving links (4/6) [==============================> ] Object 1 of 2 [============================================================] Object 2 of 2 Loading headers and footers (5/6) Printing pages (6/6) [> ] Preparing [==============================> ] Page 1 of 2 [============================================================] Page 2 of 2 Done Exit with code 1 due to network error: ProtocolUnknownError Stack trace: at Laserfiche.Forms.CommonUtils.HtmlToPdfConverter.GeneratePrint(String& pdfFileLoc, String& tifFileLoc) at Laserfiche.Forms.Routing.SaveToLaserficheService.Execute(Int32 instanceId, IRoutingContext routingContext) at Laserfiche.Forms.Routing.ServiceTask.Execute(Int32 instanceId, IRoutingContext routingContext) 

The lf_forms have all the permissions to record in the laserfiche repository and the user lf-forms was tested. 

Forms.png (143.44 KB)
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replied on March 9, 2015

Did you try running it as another user? If that doesn't work, maybe there's an issue with the connection between Forms and Laserfiche?

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replied on March 10, 2015


I tested with others users, but i can try again....The connection with laserfiche is ok it was also tested ! 

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replied on March 9, 2015

Hello Allan,


1) Does this only affect this particular Business process? meaning, if you create a new simple business process does this issue still persist?

2) What Forms version are you using?




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replied on March 10, 2015 Show version history

Andrew Chan, 

I tested other two Business process and the same error happens...I'll try again...

Version is

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replied on March 10, 2015

Hello Allan,


1) Can you ensure that your UAC is disabled. If you had to change this setting, please remember to reboot the system to have the changes take into effect. Please also disable your anti-virus. Then uninstall "wkhtmltox" in the "Programs and Features" and install it once again from the Forms 9.2.1 install package.

2) Also please make sure in your FormsConfig page > Forms Server > Primary Forms Server URL, the value there is "//machine/Forms"


If the issue persists after that, please open a support case.




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replied on March 11, 2015 Show version history

Andrew Chan, 

We don't have any success fallowing your tips...We are getting this error now:

11/03/2015 13:37:02
Message: Routing can not be divided for any subsequent branch. XPath evaluations can fail for any possible condition
Stack trace:    at Laserfiche.Forms.Routing.Activity.GetAllSubsequentSteps(Int32 instanceId, Int32 processId, Int32 sourceStepId, IRoutingContext routingContext)
   at Laserfiche.Forms.Routing.RoutingContext.GetAllSubsequentRoutingSteps()
   at Laserfiche.Forms.Routing.RoutingDispatcher.GetSubsequentRoutingStepList()
   at Laserfiche.Forms.Routing.RoutingDispatcher.ExecuteSteps()
   at Laserfiche.Forms.Routing.RoutingEngineService.RunRouting(RoutingRequestParameters requestParam)
   at Laserfiche.Forms.Routing.RoutingEngineService.<>c__DisplayClass1.<StartRouting_Async>b__0()

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replied on March 11, 2015

Andrew Chan, 

We fixed the error. We completly Uninstall LF Forms and install everything again.  

Thanks for your attention! 

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replied on March 11, 2015

Hey Allan,


Thanks for your update. Glad to hear the issue was resolved on your end.

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replied on March 10, 2015

Did you run into this issue with a particular form that has customized JavaScript? If this is case, can you check whether there is absolute references in the JavaScript as

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replied on March 10, 2015

Xiuhong Xiang

I'm not using any customized  JavaScript.  It's just simples business process. It was created 100% with the tools available on Forms.


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