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Revert back to default scanner properties

asked on February 27, 2015

We are using Kofax VRS Elite with Canon DR-M160 Scanners.  Is there a way to make the Scanner properties always revert back to the original setting of Black & White when the user manually changes it to scan color in the main scan window dropdown?



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replied on March 2, 2015



Are you saying you don't want to end user to scan color at all? Or are you saying that it is ok for them to scan color but you want the driver to revert back to black and white after that?



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replied on March 17, 2015

Yes.  It is ok for the user to do one off color scans.  But the great majority of the scanning will be in black and white.  The users forget to change the settings back so that is why I am wondering if there is a way for it to default back to black and white.

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