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Configure Thank You page in Forms

asked on February 19, 2015

Does Forms 9.1 have the capability to configure the Thank You page at all?

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replied on February 19, 2015

Yes, you can configure the Thank You page in Forms 9.1. 

(You just can't use variables in the message - variables in the Thank You page are available in Forms 9.2)

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replied on February 20, 2015



This is pretty simple to do. Here are some simple walk through directions.

In the Laserfiche Forms website you will need to be in the process modeler page for the form that you are trying to change the Thank you message for.


Right mouse click on the green Start circle.

Click on Properties.

On the right side a panel should appear. It will look like this.


Click on the tab labeled "Thank You Message".


As you can see from my screenshot above I added a link to start the form all over again.  You really can add almost anything you want here. I normally do it via HTML.  You can see below what my HTML looks like this.


You can also have it direct to another website of your choice.


Pretty cool huh? Let me know if you have anymore questions.



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replied on February 20, 2015

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like.

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replied on August 8, 2018



Is it possible to configure the Thank You page for all processus and all form? Yours is in english, I need to change it in french for each ones.


Thanks in advance.


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