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Feedback Wanted: Using Forms for a Grading Rubric

asked on February 17, 2015

I am in need of some brainstorming with others to see what ideas come up for the following situation.

We have a department at our school district that would like teachers to be able to submit scores based on a rubric. If it was just entering the scores, that part would be easy. They would also like to show the descriptions for the rubric on the form. See below:

Above is what the current paper version looks like. The idea being that they can see the descriptions while trying to decide which score to give the student. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas of how this might accomplished using Forms. Thanks in advance for your ideas.

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replied on February 18, 2015

Hi Blake,

Yes, there are certainly many ways to handle this. I came up with three ideas.

The simplest is to embed an iframe at the top of the form that displays the rubric, and create a table at the bottom where the user designates the scores. If the rubric is saved in the repository, simply point the iframe to the image of that document. Here is some code that should achieve that: <iframe height=620px width= 870px src=\Document_path></iframe>. Below is an example of how the form could look.

If you wish to type the score descriptions into the form rather than use an iframe, you can create 3 separate 1-row tables, corresponding to the 3 score categories Overall, Lead, and Transitions. In the example below, I set the descriptions' Field type to be Multi-line, and in the Field options, I set the fields to be Read-only, increased the Field height, and input the description text into the Default value. In Form Settings, I increased the width of the form. The nice thing about this option is that I can include the Score field beside the descriptions by adding that Score drop-down column in the table.

The final method is to use JavaScript to input the descriptions into 3 single-row tables.

I hope this helps!

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replied on February 18, 2015

I knew I was thinking about this too hard. Your second suggestion works like a charm. Thank you for taking the time to think about it and put together some examples.

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