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Posted to Government


Attorneys Using Laserfiche

posted on January 22, 2015

I'm the IT Systems Engineer responsible for Laserfiche in my county. Recently the County Attorney's office purchased a set of user licenses for their staff, but there's somewhat of a divide among the users on how to use the software.

They do not currently have a Case Management software, everything is done by hand, so some wish for a more complex setup utilizing our Rio license to create workflows to capture their business process. Others would prefer to take a document management approach and focus on the digitization of their paper workflow. Some wish for a hybrid of the two plans.

I would like to get some feedback from state and local legal offices on how they leverage the functionality within Laserfiche so as to help focus my project goals and get the team on the same page.

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replied on January 29, 2015

Wendy and I would be glad to give you our battle stories.  (hahaha)  Lots of lessons were learned and lots of streamlining was able to take affect with this digital process.  It may be easier to use my email address directly here at work is for quicker responses.


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replied on January 26, 2015

We have all the county Prosecuting Attorney's files (Criminal, Juvenile, Misdemeanor and Civil) and Assigned Counsel files (same types) in Laserfiche for about 7-8 years.  We designed Laserfiche where the master folder is created when they get the police reports/referrals/etc.  From there we can create shortcuts for court calendaring, to importing documents from the network (Import Agent), to combining/joining document types into one document (Workflow), to closing the cases so they move to records retention-and even bringing it back to active if a case has been reopened, and so on. 

They do have a case management system that an API was created for.  It allows them to easily bring up their case and click a button to show all documents in LF related to a particular case.  However, using the search capabilities and shortcuts within LF offers similar functionality.   The good thing about what we created is, they are moving to a new case management system but we don't have to change much at all with our LF processes.

What we have seen in the L&J community is we are receiving more and more information digitally or it is born digital.  It is easier to capture it in a centralized location (Laserfiche) and have attorney's and their assistants all looking/working with the same documents.  No more of who has the paper folder or certain documents didn't make it to the folder scenarios.  They put sticky notes or tags on documents that sends notifications or sends the document to someone for further reviews.  They have capabilities of looking at pictures and listening to video's and sharing those things easily in a live courtroom environment.  Also, because we OCR all their documents, they can put a suspect name, address, etc. and search to see if there are similar instances in other cases.

We thought of doing the digitization 'after the fact' but the costs of doing the reverse is print, print, print! 

It is/was very hard to take away those paper folders.  Our goal was to be able to streamline their business processes, secure the documents better, do public records disclosures quicker, and shrink the space of where the paper documents were stored.

Our PAO Laserfiche Liaison and I would be more than happy to share our experiences and business processes with you.


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replied on January 29, 2015



Thank you very much for the very detailed feedback on how the Prosecuting Attorneys are using Laserfiche. I would be very appreciative to you if I could speak with you and your PAO Laserfiche Liaison to gather some lessons learned and recommendations for proceeding. I'll connect with you on LinkedIn, and we can message from there with contact information.



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replied on October 18, 2016

Hi Bonnie,

Thanks for your detailed description. Can you please clarify more on how the case monitoring in done and how the case files are separated.


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replied on January 22, 2015

I would be bold and offer a solution that neither side has suggested utilizing Forms and possibly QuickFields to extract data from the paper files.


You could also allow both sides to function seperately but then tie them together on the back end with WorkFlow.


Lastly, you could do a needs analysis of both sides, come up with a hybrid solution that is the best. Point out the flaws in what they proposed and show how your solution is superior. Then you would have them in the palm of your hands!


I don't handle case management personally, but I wanted to chime in with some thoughts on your overall approach regarding some options that you have.


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replied on January 29, 2015



I love the outside of the box approach to find a hybrid plan for the project. When we come up to our next scoping session I'll broach the topic with the users for QuickFields data extraction on their legal cases.



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