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changing read only volumes

asked on December 29, 2014

I have 118 logical Default volumes. Default volumes 1-82 are read-only. Every 3 months, I have to purge documents from the read-only volumes and thus have to 'remove' the read-only flag on the 82 volumes. Is there an easier way to update the read-only flag on all 82 volumes without having to do one at a time? Thanks in advance.

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replied on December 29, 2014

I wouldn't consider this a recommended procedure, but you can do this with an SQL query against the vol table in the database. Please backup the database first before making any direct changes.

update vol
set vol_flags=vol_flags-1 -- removes read-only (add 1 to set back to read-only)
where vol_id between x and y -- replace x and y with the range of volume ids you want to affect


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