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how to generate LF pages using SDK And Workflow & how to get page count?

asked on December 22, 2014

We have used import Edoc() but it is not generating LF Pages also we have checked import images but it is not for Electronic document as per our understanding.

How can we generate LF pages using SDK And Workflow?


How can I check page count using SDK?

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replied on December 22, 2014

Generating pages from PDFs is not currently included in the SDK.

If using RepositoryAccess, you can get the page count using the PageCount property on DocumentInfo or DocumentStatistics.

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replied on December 22, 2014

I need to generate LF Pages when importing document using SDK, is it possible by anyway?

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replied on December 23, 2014 Show version history

The easiest method is to make use of the ClientAutomation.dll assembly included with the SDK. The MainWindow class has a GeneratePages method for creating LF image pages from electronic files.

DocumentServices and DocumentProcessor also include an interface for passing in some Snapshot configuration information. However, your code will have to manually handle initiating print jobs outside of the SDK.

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replied on February 18, 2015

Is LF Import Agent an option fo rthe customer?  If so, drop the PDF file(s) into a monitored folder and let LF Import Agent 9.x options generate the image pages for you.

I wanted to add that I saw something in the newer Repository Access SDK that has methods for generating pages.  I'm curious about those methods.  

I've used RA with a workflow 9.2 server / SDK script to generate text from HTML files.  The workflow server had the folder browser feature enabled and setup to pull in HTML files.  The workflow rule was setup to pull in HTML files as an electronic file into Laserfiche and used workflow RA SDK script to generate text off that file.  The results of parsing the text drove the rest of the workflow.

Could the newer RA SDK methods generate LF Images off "standard" PDF files?

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