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What does 'Check-in Entry' mean in this context in Audit Trail

asked on December 18, 2014

Below is a screenshot referencing a folder creation audit entry followed by a 'Check-In Entry'. What is this Check-in entry referring to with reference to Audit Trail? The check-in entry is referring to the same entry.

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replied on December 18, 2014

The "Check In Entry" event is recorded when a persistent lock on an object is released. As you pointed out, this occurs immediately after entry creation.

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replied on December 18, 2014

Thanks Alex!

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replied on December 18, 2014

No problem. Upon further investigation, it seems like this audit event is also used for any general unlock event (you see it also in the screenshot you posted where Workflow unlocks the document after writing field values). We're looking into making the reporting of this more clear.

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replied on February 11, 2015 Show version history


I have a customer that has roughly 2,000 documents with the "Check In Entry" under Event Type  in Audit Trail. What could be causing it to show Check in when it was never checked out?

replied on February 11, 2015


I have a client that has roughly about 2,000 Check In Entry showing up in Audit Trail. We tested opening a Word Document and closing it without making any changes to the document, and updated the Audit. It showed as Check In Entry. Is this normal?

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replied on February 11, 2015

Hi Sophia,

Please see my previous response where I stated that this audit event is also used for any general unlock event. Opening an electronic document in the native application falls under this category. We'll look into making the reporting of this more clear.


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