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LDAP settings - connected but can't search users and CN does not display, but connects using full LDAP DN.

asked on December 9, 2014 Show version history

I have configured Laserfiche Administration Console (9.1). The server profile connects to the LDAP using Active Directory using SSL. My unique name attribute is userPrincipalName (which is the email). When Querying a user the search returns 'no items matched'.

When I add a user with the full LDAP Distinguished Name it can be added.

When choosing locations, the LDAP connection shows but it is unable to see nested directories.

Is there a configuration file I can configure or a way to troubleshoot this?




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replied on December 9, 2014

Looking at your search results, the Name for your user is the same as the Distinguished Name, which is why you aren't finding it when you just search for the user's name. Compare your screenshot to this one:



To fix this, you would need to make changes to your users in LDAP so that their Name is what you expect.

Alternatively, you could try working around the LDAP issue by adding a wildcard at the front of the username, like  *mike.vanhook . This will be matched by cn=mike.vanhook , but note that this will slow down your searches. I recommend fixing the issue with Names in LDAP instead.

replied on December 18, 2014

Hi Mike,

This is definitely unexpected behavior with LDAP rather than just a configuration issue.  I know you opened a case with the Support team shortly after posting this, and it looks like you're making progress.  If you think about it, it would be awesome if you could update this thread once you get it working, so that anyone else running into this issue in the future can save themselves some time.  Thanks!

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