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Some file show limited access to an admin user account where it should have full access. What could be the reason?

asked on November 23, 2014

Hello All


I have a situation that some files (about 2k files out of 370k) giving me limited access when I should have full rights.

This account has the following rights:


-all right and privileges

-has full right to all the folders about the file path 

-it only belongs to admin group that has full rights and privilages

-The group is not listed in  folder's access right path (no conflict)

-has full right to all fields

-has full rights to all templates

-I look at the parent folder effective access rights the account has full right with scope of this folder, sob folder, documents

-I look at the document effective access rights I see effective right for the user is limited (some option are not checked)

-I don't see the user listed in the access right box on the document explicitly, all right are inherited from the folder


I have rebooted all LF related servers to make sure there isn't anything cached.  Laserfiche version is Version:  What could be cause of this?





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replied on November 24, 2014 Show version history

Most likely you're looking at the effective rights of a document that is cutoff or in a record folder which has been cutoff. Please confirm if that's the case.

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replied on November 24, 2014

Can you provide more information on what you mean by "giving you limited access"? Are you referring to just the unchecked rights under effective access? If so, can you post a screenshot of the effective access?

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replied on November 24, 2014

Yes, unchecked rights


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replied on November 24, 2014

Yes Alex


on file's Records property the cutoff button is grayed out and uncutoff is available to select, that suggest they are cut off.   These files are moved from lotus notes into Laserfiche on 11/17/2014.   I also looked at other files that are sitting in the same folder and none of them are cut off and all of these file were filed before, except these transferred files.   I don't think anyone has manually cut them off (documents are not normaly cutoff )

I just can't think of anything might cause this.  Any ideas?

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replied on November 24, 2014

If the record folder itself is not cutoff, and inside that record folder, some documents are cutoff and some are not, it points to someone manually cutting off the individual documents.

If the customer has audit trail, then you can find out which user performed the cutoff action on the documents.

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replied on November 24, 2014 Show version history

I searched at the Audit trail for all Record management activities, it return nothing.  

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replied on November 24, 2014

Then either the user that made the change wasn't being audited or the actual event class isn't being audited. In any case, you can assist the customer such that their audit settings are correct so you can catch occurrences of this in the future. For now though, you know why admin type users don't have all effective rights for some documents and that's because those documents have been cutoff.

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replied on November 24, 2014

The other interesting point is that the folder itself shouldn't have been eligible for cut off.  Even when I tried to cut off the folder itself, it was not eligible? 

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replied on November 24, 2014

I certainly know why this is happening and I have something to work with.  But, how can you cut off file if its not eligible for cutoff. 


I appreciate the help

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replied on November 24, 2014

One way that can occur is if the record folder is using an event based cutoff. If someone sets the event date and the record folder and the various records inside that folder become eligible for cutoff, then a user can manually cutoff a document. Then they can go back and unset the event date on the record folder so the record folder is no longer eligible for cutoff, but the document that was manually cutoff would still show as being cutoff.

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replied on November 24, 2014 Show version history

Thanks Alex    I am going to uncutoff those files manually.   That should fix my problem. 

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