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custom list view entries for email from workflow?

asked on October 20, 2014 Show version history

I am currently looking to create a list table of invoices for EACH folder within workflow.  My current attempt is separating invoices from each folders into each tables.  Is this currently possible or do I have to create multiple emails for multiple tables?  Thank you.


Folder 1

  1. invoice 1
  2. invoice 2
  3. invoice 3


Folder 2

  1. invoice 4
  2. invoice 5
  3. invoice 6



Current token for email list:


1 0


replied on October 20, 2014

Well, I am a bit confused about your attempts. You will need to apply the #HTML# function to your token to get it to display that HTML. You should also be making the token a multi-value token, and each line containing the information you want per each folder. 


What you need to do is have all the folders available in workflow, you then iterate through them. You append to the token a new value based on that folders information (or multiple rows if necessary). After you've had the workflow go through all the folders, then you have it add the last line for the ending of the table. You will now have a working table that displays all the information you wanted.

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replied on October 20, 2014

thank you for the reply.  My initial post wasn't as clear, what I am currently looking to achieve is:

separating invoices from each folders into each tables, so ie.

folder 1 with 3 invoices goes into table 1 list with 3 invoices

folder 2 with 5 invoices goes into table 2 list with 5 invoices.


hope this clears it up, thank you for the help.

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