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RME superseded automatic Cutoff

asked on October 14, 2014 Show version history

Hello, I am fairly new to Records Management. 


It seems that if I have the retention for a records folder set to SO (superseded or obsolete) with retention and a document within that folder (with same retention) is superseded that I am to open the metadata of the file, click the Links tab then set "superseded by" and this is supposed to cutoff the document.

This does not seem to want to work for me.  The only way to cut it off is to go to the Records Folder and set an event date.

Am I just missing something?  or totally confused?

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replied on October 14, 2014

What is the actual cutoff instruction that's applied to the document? If you go into the Laserfiche Administration Console and view the properties of that cutoff instruction, can you confirm that the type is set to "Superseded" and not "Event"?

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replied on October 14, 2014


That was exactly it.  It was set to Event and not Superseded.

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replied on October 14, 2014

It sounds like you have the wrong type for your Record Folder Cutoff Instruction. This could be an issue with which instruction is selected in your Record properties (assigned within the Laserfiche Client or Web Access), or the Cutoff Instruction itself (defined in the Administration Console). 

To view the type of a cutoff instruction, go to "View Record Properties" for the folder:

If the type is not "Superseded", you may either have the wrong instruction selected, or the instruction may be incorrectly configured in the administration console.

replied on May 31, 2018

Further to your question, have you since run into needing to cut-off a record by it becoming "obsolete" yet?  I discovered that our VAR set our SO (superseded or obsolete) retention to be cut-off by being superseded only, and now I have discovered that I cannot cut-off a record under SO retention that is not being replaced by another (simply has become obsolete).  I am being told that SO cut off needs to be set as "next business day", which does not help at all (superseded or obsolete means exactly that "superseded" OR "obsolete".  Help!  I hope there is an answer or a proper work around for this (to be able to cut off a record in two different ways).  The info sent to me was based on 10.3 (but doesn't solve the issue anyway).  We are currently on 10.2.

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replied on May 31, 2018 Show version history

We are just setting this up now, and we had the same question - how do we deal with obsolete documents that are not covered by the "supersedes - superseded by" relationship type? We have added an "obsolete" tag that users will add once a document becomes obsolete and are programming the workflow to account for this and move the document to a record folder where retention is applied. I hope this helps!

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replied on June 1, 2018

You could possibly use an alternative retention.

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replied on June 1, 2018

That would be ideal, I will definitely dig further into that option!  Thank you!

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