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Briefcases and folder structures

asked on October 7, 2014

I'm looking to archive off a batch of documents based on creation date. I was hoping to use briefcases for convenience but wasn't sure on whether the folder structure of the exported documents would be retained also.

For example, I want to run a search based on creation date and filtered by documents only and within a certain folder. I will then delete the files from the repository (after verifying the briefcase is valid).

In the future I may want to re-import the briefcase and would want the folder structure to be included also. The briefcase options seems to suggest this is possible but I'm seeing different results. I don't want to end up with a mass of documents in a generic folder and have to sort through them or refile them.

Should this be possible?

I know there is the volume option but the end user won't normally have access to those.

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replied on March 10, 2015

The key part of Jim's instructions are to export by right-clicking on the Search Results node at the bottom of the folder list. Here's a screenshot that may help:

If you instead export by going to File -> Export -> Briefcase, the structure will not be retained.

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replied on October 7, 2014 Show version history

Nigel - 

This can be done, but make sure of two things:

In the client you're running the search from, go to Tools>Options>Export>Briefcases and check the box "Include folder structure when exporting search results."

Then, after you do your search, display the Folder Pane in the browser again and export the briefcase by right-clicking on the Search Results node at the bottom of the Folders list and selecting Create Briefcase - this is the only way to ensure you get the folder structure when you export.

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replied on July 23, 2018

This really helped me out.

Definitely use the search results, then right click and create briefcase.

This allowed me to export both the documents and the relative Path, for subsequent import.

Be careful about Folders that show up in your search results as you may be inadvertently exporting all documents in the folder.

If you want to exclude folders from search results use the advances syntax 

for electronic docs after a certain date for example use:

{LF:Modified>="7/14/2018"} & {LF:Ext=*}

for images after a certain date for example use:

{LF:Modified>="7/14/2018"} & {LF:Img=y}


This will ensure you only get files and not folders and their contents. 

Thanks for the help guys.


Milton K


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replied on October 8, 2014

That's what I thought but I'm not seeing that to be the case.

I tried this is 9.2 just now via the following steps:

  1. Create a folder called "Test" in the root of my repository
  2. Create 3 subfolders within this folder (Folder 1, 2 ,3)
  3. Import a sample document to each of these folders
  4. Perform a search of documents only within "Test"
  5. Export the search results as a briefcase (the option to include folder structure is checked)
  6. Delete the Test folder
  7. Import the briefcase to the root folder


What I see is that the three sample documents are imported to the root folder and the subfolders are not created?

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replied on March 10, 2015

The key part of Jim's instructions are to export by right-clicking on the Search Results node at the bottom of the folder list. Here's a screenshot that may help:

If you instead export by going to File -> Export -> Briefcase, the structure will not be retained.

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replied on March 10, 2015

Ah! Makes sense why we might be seeing different behaviour. Intuitively I would go file>export (old skool). 


Thanks Brianna/Justin!

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replied on October 8, 2014

Just tested in my 9.2 system using your exact steps and it worked correctly - the folder structure was retained.

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replied on March 10, 2015

So you can or can't export search results to a briefcase and retain the folder structure? Laserfiche?

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replied on March 10, 2015

As stated in the post, you can. You just need to ensure that you have the option to retain folder structure is selected - that's exactly what that option is for. Jim's comments match with my experiences. For more information: 

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replied on January 29, 2019

The help files could use some more clarification on this.  There is no mention on having to do this from the browser screen/search results.

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