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Unknown error with no error code while opening a specific document in LF client 9.1.1

asked on September 15, 2014

Hi Everybody,


A user is getting an "Unknown error " while opening a document in LF. No error code is attached to the error. She got it twice on the same document. 


I get the following details when I click on Details.

Can anybody tell me the reason this user is getting this error message? How can I prevent such error codes to appear (Users do not like error messages)?




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replied on September 15, 2014

Hi Sweety,


It looks like it's looking for something office related. Is office installed on the machine you are seeing the error? Do you get the same error when opening the same document from other workstations?


Hope this points you in the right direction! laughyes

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replied on September 15, 2014

Yes office is installed on the same machine. The user is using Virtual desktop (VDI in a box). Other users never got the error.

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replied on September 15, 2014

I get below messages from trace logs:


2014-09-15 LFSO
Current Process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\WINWORD.EXE (PID=8204)
Current Module: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Laserfiche\9.1\LFSO91.dll
13:11:27.042 [6148] InitializePropertyMap
13:11:27.059 [6148] Internal parameters:
LoginTimeoutMS: 20000, ResolveTimeoutMS: 0, ConnectTimeoutMS: 5000,
SendTimeoutMS: 45000, ReceiveTimeoutMS: 900000, PingTimeoutMS: 1000,
DBListTimeoutMS: 3000, ServerInfoHTTPTimeoutMS: 5000, DBListHTTPTimeoutMS: 5000,
PingThreadPeriodSeconds: 8, PingThreadThresholdSeconds: 5, WMITimeoutMS: 1000,
WMIShortConnectTimeoutMS: 750, WMILongConnectTimeoutMS: 5000, WMIAdminTimeoutMS: 3000,
MaxMemBufferSize: 5242880, XmlOnly: F, AcceptDeflate: T,
LockTimeoutSeconds: 86400, MaxServerThreads: 256, MaxPagePartMemBufferSize: 52428800, MaxConnections: 4,
ListValueCacheTimeoutSeconds: -1, ShutdownTimeoutMilliseconds: 2000
13:11:27.060 [6148] CLFApplication::CLFApplication
13:11:27.063 [6148] CLFApplication::GetServerByName
13:11:27.063 [6148]  CLFServer::CreateForDispatch
13:11:27.063 [6148]   ILFObjectImpl::ILFObjectImpl
13:11:27.063 [6148]   CLFServer::CLFServer
13:11:27.066 [6148] CLFServer::get_Version
13:11:27.066 [6148]  CLFServer::RetrieveData
13:11:27.066 [6148]   CLFServer::RetrieveDataHttp
13:11:27.066 [6148]    LFSession::LFSession
13:11:27.066 [6148]    LFSession::Initialize
13:11:27.088 [6148]     LFAuthData::LFAuthData
13:11:27.100 [6148]    LFSession::SendRequest (XREPORT /+LF/serverinfo)
13:11:27.100 [6148]    WinHTTP Memo: Invalid host or relative path

13:11:27.100 [6148]    ERROR: 768 (LFSession::SendRequest, LFSession.cpp:3577)
13:11:27.100 [6148]     LFOException::GetErrorMessage
13:11:27.100 [6148]     Error: Unknown error.
13:11:27.101 [6148]    LFSession::~LFSession
13:11:27.101 [6148]    LFAuthData::~LFAuthData
13:11:27.101 [6148]    LFOException::GetErrorMessage
13:11:27.101 [6148]    Error: Unknown error.
13:11:27.106 [6148]  HRESULT: 0x80040300 (CLFServer::RetrieveData, LFServer.cpp:2787)
13:11:27.106 [6148]   LFOException::GetErrorMessage
13:11:27.106 [6148]   Error: Unknown error.
13:11:27.114 [6148]  LFOException::GetErrorMessage
13:11:27.114 [6148]  Error: Unknown error.
13:12:44.564 [6148] CLFApplication::~CLFApplication
13:12:44.564 [6148] CLFServer::~CLFServer
13:12:44.564 [6148] ILFObjectImpl::~ILFObjectImpl

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replied on September 15, 2014

Thanks Sweety,


OK so this tells us if only 1 user is experiencing the issue in a VDI environment then it is related to their profile or VDI host. Can you try resetting their profile and see if the issue persists?



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replied on September 15, 2014

Also another thing to try. If they drag the document to the desktop and try to open it from there, do they see the same error?

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replied on September 15, 2014

Ok I'll try doing what you said.

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replied on September 29, 2015


We are seeing the same issue from for some VDI users.

It seems quite random. All I could point out is that it only happens on VDI and only when several office applications are opened at the same time.

In our case the error doesn't show on the LF Client but on the LF plug in of an excel or word file.

Did you got any more information on how to resolve this?



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