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ERROR [42S02] Microsft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 Invalide object Name

asked on September 8, 2014

 Doing a Query in Workflow, and I can configure my Datasource, test the connection and everything checks out...however, when I try to test the query, I get the error below.  To simplify the issue, I'm just trying to query page count in the DB and am getting the error.  Regardless of what table I choose or what the query is, I get the message.




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replied on September 10, 2014

Please open a support case so we can check the setup and permissions.

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replied on September 8, 2014

Are you using a Custom Query activity or Query Data? When exactly are you getting the error? Are there multiple schemas in the database and are you trying to use a table in a schema other than dbo?

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replied on September 8, 2014

Just doing a query data using ODBC.  I've found that if I export the table to Access, then the Query works...only when trying to query the table in SQL do I get the error.

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replied on September 10, 2014

Please open a support case so we can check the setup and permissions.

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