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Is there a way to set scan size detection for scan connect?

asked on September 3, 2014

As the title suggest is there a way for scan connect to auto-detect the page size that is being scanned in? If so where would I set it?

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replied on September 3, 2014

If the scanner's ISIS driver has that option, then you'd set it there. Are you running into a situation where the scanner's ISIS driver offers that option, but it isn't being followed correctly when using ScanConnect?

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replied on September 4, 2014

Assuming you're using the ISIS drivers, you should see it in the scanner settings under page size. Usually it is called "Auto Detect."


Here is a screenshot from our Canon scanner settings:

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replied on September 4, 2014

Thanks Kenny for the suggestion. The issue is the driver options are not holding when using ScanConnect in Laserfiche. The scanner was set to auto-detect when I checked the drivers. It is a Fujitsu 5750c that I am working with.

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replied on September 4, 2014

If the issue is that the settings aren't being saved properly, then that could mean the account that's logged into Windows doesn't have read/write/modify rights to C:\Windows\setscan.ini

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