Below is what I have to share about this. I will be opening a support ticket through my VAR to see if your scanning specialists have any more recommendations. Thanks for your help today. Hopefully this info can help someone else as well.
My observations:
I can get the Epson DS-510 to work with LF using TWAIN and WIA as a scan source.
I can only use the on board LF functions such as manually choosing page size, color type and paper source. This is extremely annoying.
I cannot use any of the on board default scanner software which surpasses the on board LF functions.
If I choose 'use default scanner software' with the TWAIN driver, scanning freezes and I must manually close it. It will save the scanned pages only after trying to close it from task manager.
There is another similar option using the WIA driver where I can 'use scanner default settings'. I can't figure out how to set the scanner's default settings to use it's superior functionality.
The two features that the scanner can do which LF does not: auto detect page size and auto detect color. If I can't at the minimum use auto detect page size, then this scanner is garbage.
I also can't get it to work with ScanConnect. It throws the following error:
Insufficient PermissionsPixDrvLoad("DR2580C") failed [-4587]
FYI my previous scanner is the above mentioned DR2580C. It is a Canon ImageFORMULA DR-2580C.
Thanks again!