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My form Custom HTML & Multi Lines Printing Several pages

asked on August 15, 2014

 My form has certain Multi lines that appear, and custom HTML boxes, if certain options are selected. When it is submitted to laserfiche it creates several blank spaces and the custom HTML goes for several pages.


I cannot find a way for this to go away, where my form in laserfiche is normal size. I have attached screen shots.

Laserfiche View1.PNG
Laserfiche View2.PNG
MultiLine1.PNG (41.59 KB)
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replied on April 14, 2015

This has been resolved when we upgraded to 9.2

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replied on August 20, 2014 Show version history

Hello Laura,


Is there any CSS or Javascript added to this form?  We haven't been able to reproduce this issue on our side and we're trying to figure out what else could be causing this behavior.

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replied on August 20, 2014

There is not any java script, or CSS. There are rules that show the fields based on question. However, all fields still are printing on the forms, even if they were not shown based on answers.

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replied on August 21, 2014

Have you changed the width of the Form away from it's default 800px?


Also, can you try returning the limited lines of the multi-line field to what it was originally and see if that has any effect on that field being printed?

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replied on August 21, 2014

I ahve changed them from the default to correct this. I have limited the lines, made it bigger, made it smaller. I have changed from the multi line to custom HTML. they all do the same thing.

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replied on August 21, 2014 Show version history

Have you attempted to remove the text from the custom boxes before reapplying the text?  There's not much more that I can imagine causing this issue besides multiple line breaks occuring at the end of the text which may be caused if you copy/pasted the string of text from another source, such as a website or external application.  


Perhaps try copying the text from the field into Microsoft Word, and showing all characters so you can see where there are line breaks and carriage returns.  If there are no line breaks or returns, try pasting that text back into the custom HTML field and view the text in both HTML and Visual view (which you can toggle by clicking the "HTML" button in the top left of the field configuration) to see what could possibly be causing this.  


Thank you for your patience.

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replied on August 22, 2014

I actually would recommend they avoid Microsoft Word, and instead use Notepad or notepad++. Microsoft Word can potentially introduce some unexpected, hidden characters to be added. 

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replied on August 22, 2014

If you choose to show all characters in Word, what unexpected or hidden characters would be added?  Genuinely curious here.

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replied on August 22, 2014

Microsoft Words isn't plaintext. When you look at the raw file or try to recover from it, it can have [] in a bunch of places. I generally avoid MS word when trying to get rid of formatting. 

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replied on August 22, 2014



Even if you select the option to show all characters?  Thanks for sharing the knowledge, Ken!

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replied on August 22, 2014

It's a Microsoft product. Microsoft Word is technically a WYSIWYG text editor. I am not sure exactly what it is in there or the patterns involved with where it might show up, but MS Word has its purpose and text deformatting is not one of the ones i care to deal with whatever changes it does to things. Whatever it does, it's proprietary to them and likely is meant for things being brought between Excel, word, powerpoint and the rest of the suite of products since they all can understand each others formatting no matter how specialized. 

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replied on August 22, 2014

Hi Laura, 


If your question has been answered, please let us know by clicking the "This answered my question" button on the response.


If you still need assistance with this matter, just update this thread. Thanks!

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