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Laserfiche Mobile and Firewall

asked on July 31, 2014

 So I have a small customer who is a financial advisor and is very concerned about security, so they moved over to Avante, and he'd like to use his IPAD with the Mobile app, but he doesn't want to open up any ports on his Firewall.  Does anyone know if there's a VPN app you can install on an IPAD to allow him to connect via his VPN and then use the Mobile App?


Any suggestions appreciated.



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replied on July 31, 2014 Show version history

Well, the iPad does have VPN access settings in the "Settings" app/area. Check it out and do some research. The right VPN to use will be likely related to the firewall services you are already using. 


EDIT: The VPN settings are in the "General" section, under "VPN" which is close to the bottom when you scroll down

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replied on July 31, 2014


Here's a screenshot of what you should see when you find it.

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replied on August 1, 2014

Hi Daryl, 


If your question has been answered, please click the "This answered my question" button on the response.


If you still need assistance with this matter, just update this thread. Thanks!

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