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Limiting folder level in results from a document/foldername query.

asked on July 3, 2014 Show version history

We are performing document/folder name queries into a root folder in an 8.3 repository. The root folder contains 4 levels of child folders that expand significantly in volume.


Curently, the query results return folder names from all 4 levels. We want the query to return results from only the first 2 folder levels.


Any ideas on how to limit the results?

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replied on July 5, 2014

I suggest you create a «Depth» field computed/assigned to folder entries by a dedicated workflow. Then prescribe that fields value within your searches...


2 0
replied on July 3, 2014

You can use the "Within Folder" search to limit your search to two specific folder levels:



Make sure that "include subfolders" is unchecked

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replied on July 3, 2014


That would add an addition specific subfolder but not a single additional subfolder level, which is the objective.

At least that is my understanding.


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replied on July 3, 2014

There is no way to limiting the depth of the folder tree (beyond no/all subfolders) without listing the folders you want to look into.

0 0
replied on July 3, 2014


That would add an addition specific subfolder but not a single additional subfolder level, which is the objective.

At least that is my understanding.


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